The Exotic of Central Java (Pesona Jawa Tengah)

Central Java is one of the ten tourist destination areas in Indonesia and one of the thirty-three Indonesian province, with Semarang as the capital city as well as the seat of the government. For centuries it has been known as the center of Javanese culture. You will find the remains of the past, in the writings, temples and other monuments.

Geographically Central Java is suitable and easily to reach by highway rail, sea lines and air services. Ahmad Yani Airport in Semarang and Adi Sumarmo Airport in Solo, both are the main airport in Central Java. Central Java is located in the tropical zone under the influence of two climates; the rainy season from October to April and the dry season during the rest of the year. Covering an area of 39.800,69 square km and lies between 108 30' - 111 30' east longitude and 6 30' south latitude. It's eastern is varied, hills ring around the eastern past with high flatland stretching 364 km2 long and 226 km2 wide, where some vulcanos stand including 3.428 m of Mount Slamet and enchanting Dieng Plateau.

Central Java is also called the Historic Middle Kingdoms where every body may visit and to be welcome.

Borobudur Temple

Borobudur Temple certainly constitutes an ever-lasting milestone of Central Java as one of the main tourist destinations in Indonesia, visit to Central Java is not valuable without to witness the world's wonder of Borobudur that is located 85 km south of Semarang or 32 km out of Jogjakarta. The largest Buddhist sanctuary is all over the world was built in the ninth century by the Syailendra dynasty, standing majestic and serene on a hillock over-looking lush green field and distant 42 m height of grey andesite stone. The base of Borobudur, called Kamadhatu, symbolizes human being that are still bound by lust. The upper four stories are called Rupadhatu symbolizing human beings that have set themselves free from lust but are still bound to appearance and shape. On this terrace, Buddha effigies are placed in open space; while the other upper three terraces where Buddha effigies are confined in domes with wholes are called Arupadhatu, symbolizing human beings that have been free from lust, appearance and shape. The top part that is called Arupa symbolizes nirvana, where Buddha is residing.
Each terrace has beautiful relief panels showing how skillful the sculptors were. In order to understand the sequence of the stories on the relief panels, you have to walk clockwise from the entrance of the temple. The relief panels tell the legendary story of Ramayana. Besides, there are relief panels describing the condition of the society by that time The lower gallery walls are decorated with fine reliefs that defect human behave and Buddha Gautama's life.
By the time of discovery it almost covered with lava dust and layers of earth. Early in this century it was found that Borobudur was not in fact solid in some parts rainwater so cozed, it is now undergoing extensive preservation and restoration work, especially the monument itself and landscaping in the area.
The name of Borobudur is believed to have been derived from the Sanskrit words "Vihara Buddha Uhr" the Buddhist monastery on the hill. For Indonesians, especially Javanese people, Borobudur is a mirror of our ancestor's culture, way of life, civilisation and technology.

The Dieng Plateau

Another notable points of interest among Central Java's tourist object is Dieng Plateau located between Banjarnegara and Wonosobo regency. Exactly 26 km northwest of the city of Wonosobo and about 55 km northeast from the city of Banjarnegara. It is only about 3 hours trip from Semarang City.
Group of the old Hindu Temples scattered on a land also to the green slopes with fertile forest. A naturally peaceful enchanting plateau encircled by greeny forest and plantation with colored lakes in different sites. Blueish mountain background gave you a lively natural characteristic sceneries. Mount Sindoro and the slopes of Mount Sumbing completed the sphere of this cool sites. Dieng name derived from Sanskrit language which is "di" means the place and "hyang" means Gods. Overall Dieng can be defined as a place of the Gods. While the residents said Dieng derived from the word "edi" which means beautiful in the Java language, and "aeng" meaning strange. In other words Dieng is a beautiful place with a lot of oddities.
The ancient Hindu Temples; Temples of Semar, Arjuna, Bima, and Gatot Kaca decorated this beautiful plateau as Hinduism influx witnesses of the part Central Java and as cultural heritage.
Those honoured to Shiva the Goddess of Destruction. The main group of the temple is named after the heroes of Pandawa from the epic of Mahabarata originally derived from India.

Gedong Songo Temples

Gedong Songo Temple on the slopes of Mount Ungaran, precisely in the Temple Gedongsongo, Darum Hamlet, Village Temple, Ambarawa district, Semarang regency and the temple complex was built in the 9th century AD. Gedong Songo derived from the Javanese, "Gedong" means a house or building, "Songo" means nine. So the meaning of the word Gedongsongo is nine (group) of the building. In 1740, Loten find Gedong Songo Temple complex. In 1804, Raffles complex record with the name Gedong Pitoe because only found seven groups of buildings. Van Braam make the publication in 1925, Friederich and Hoopermans make writing about Gedong Songo in 1865. In 1908 Van Stein Callenfels do research on the temple complex and Knebel take inventory in the year 1910-1911.

The nine location of the temples scattered on the slopes of Mount Ungaran has beautiful natural scenery. In some locations there is also a neat pine forests and springs containing sulfur. A light mist fell from the top of the mountain often appear unable to lead the eye from a distance looked Gedongsongo temple. The temple has similarities with the Dieng Temple complex in The Dieng Plateau. The temple is situated at an altitude of about 1,200 m above sea level so the air temperature is quite cold here.

To go to the temple Gedong I, we had to walk 200 meters through the path that goes up. You can use horse transport services for sightseeing attractions around the temple Gedongsongo

Sukuh Temple

Sukuh Temple is located on the western slopes of Mount Lawu, precisely in the hamlet Sukuh, Berjo Village, District Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar regency, Central Java Province. The location of Sukuh at an altitude of 910 + meters above sea level. It rediscovered in a state of collapse in 1815 by Johnson, the resident of Surakarta in the reign of Raffles. It further studied by Van der Vlis in 1842. Results were reported in a book titled "Van der Vlis Prove Eener Beschrijten Soekoeh op en Tjeto". Research into the temple followed by Hoepermans in 1864-1867 and reported in his book "Hindoe Oudheiden van Java". In 1889, Verbeek held Sukuh inventory of the temple, followed by a study by Knebel and WF. Stutterheim in 1910. 
A monument of ancient Java which was estimated to have been built in the 15th century. The name Sukuh is derived from the word "Kuat" or "Kukuh" (strong) and is based on the philosophy that anyhow anything should be begun with a solid basis. This is proved by the fact that the Sukuh Temple which consists of three components at the lowest part of it there is a solid construction of stone walls. On the first component, in the main entrance of the Gapura (gateway), there are not so many reliefs in the temple. The center of the main gate, there is an engraving of the head of a giant. While on the left there is a relief of a man being devoured by a giant.
The literature of ancient Javanese symbolism called the Candra Sangkala told that Gapura (gateway) means the figures nine, raksasa (giant) means five, so devour means three and man means one.
Supposedly experts, Sukuh Temple built for the purpose of Pengruwatan (cleaning), the ward or remove the bad forces affect a person's life due to certain characteristics they have. The assumption is based on the reliefs that contain stories of pengruwatan (cleaning), such as Sudamala and Garudheya, and the statues of turtles and eagle found in Sukuh.
The most unique relief is a couple of Lingga confronted with Yoni, its opposite sex. One said that they are the symbol of fertility according to stories this spot serves as a test of virginity of a girl before she gets married. It is said that a still virgin woman if she jumps over this relief her sarung (cloth) will be torn or lessen off. Of course, this doesn't represent a vulgar anecdote, but is based on a certain mystical belief.

Kota Lama Semarang (The Old City of Semarang)

Historically, the city of Semarang has an area that is at about the 18 th century as a trade center. The area is at present called the Old Town area. At that time, to secure the citizens and territory, the region built the castle, which is named after the castle VIJHOEK. To speed up communication lines between the three gates in the fort was then made ​​the streets of transportation, with its main street is named: Heeren Straat. Currently named Jl. Let Jen Soeprapto. One of the existing location of the door of the castle today is Berok Bridge, called the Zuider DE POR.
The transport pathway through the water is very important it is evidenced by the rivers that surround this area are navigable from the sea up to Sebandaran area, area of ​​Chinatown. That time the Dutch East Indies once ranked second as a producer of sugar all over the world. At the time it was happening cultivation (Cultur stelsel) throughout the Netherlands East Indies. The Old Town area is also called OUTSTADT. This area was about 31 hectares. Judging from the geography, it seems that the area is separated from the surrounding area, so it looks like the city itself, earning the nickname "Little Netherland".
The Old City area of ​​Semarang is a silent witness to the history of Dutch colonial Indonesia more than two centuries, and its location adjacent to the economy. In this place there are about 50 ancient buildings are still standing strong and has a history of colonialism in Semarang. The Old city of Semarang is a historic area with many ancient buildings considered to be very potential to be developed in the field of economic and cultural conservation areas.

The Great Mosque In Central Java

Return of the Great Mosque waqf property Kauman Semarang became an important historical moment for the Muslim community of Semarang. Momentum is the return of property endowments to the point of climax fight Semarang Muslim community in resolving the real problem has emerged since 1980. Return of the Great Mosque waqf property Kauman Semarang which is the historical background of the establishment of the Great Mosque of Central Java.In September 2001, the Committee managed to publish a technical document that a frame of reference for contest participants. The mosque is expected to become a center of worship and community service, as well as worship services and community centers, as well as Islamic proselytizing center for education, relationship and communication in addition to the mosque of the Islamic world is also expected to be a center of Islamic thought and innovation center of the economic empowerment of the people. The desired scope of services is central Java, located in Semarang. Because of the size scale, the Great Mosque of Central Java must also be a guide or a city landmark. For that form must follow the development of mosques as well as implying the soul era breath of Central Java.Construction of the mosque began on Friday, September 6, 2002 marked the inaugural installation of piles made Minister of Religious Ri, Prof. Dr. H. Said Agil Al Munawar Husen, KH. MA Sahal Mahfudz and Governor of Central Java, H. Mardiyanto. Installation of the first pile was also attended by seven ambassadors from friendly countries, namely Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Egypt, Palestine, and Abu Dabi. Thus the eyes and attention of the international community also supports the building of the Great Mosque of Central Java. Prior to the installation of piles, the dilaksanakanlah recitals and kiai mujahadah by charismatic like KH. Munif Zuhri from Girikusumo, KH. Baqoh Arifin from Kajoran, KH. Habib Lutfi of Pekalongan and others.Finally, Muslims in Central Java should be proud that in the end they can have a magnificent mosque and the beautiful, the privilege requirements than other mosques, the Great Mosque of Central Java (MAJT) located on Jl. Elephant Kingdom Sambirejo Village in the city of Semarang. Central Java Grand Mosque was inaugurated on 14 November 2006 by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Mosque with a total area of ​​10 hectares of land and a building area of ​​the parent to pray that 7669 square meters of architectural style blend of Java, Central Java and Greece. Middle East-style look of its dome and four minarets. Java-style look of tanjungan form below the main dome. While looking at the 25 Greek style pillars kolosium combined with beautiful calligraphy.
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