Campur Kode

Code Mixing
The first thing that comes to our mind in discussing language choice is the whole of language that exist within a society, or even more in person. We imagine a person who is able use two or more languages and have to choose one of language when he/she spoke.
There are three types of the language choice that is commonly known in sociolinguistic studies. First, what is called code switching. It must be remembered first, the code is a neutral term that can refer to language, dialect, sosiolek, or a variety of language. Kridalaksana (2009:127) code is a symbol or expression of system used to describe a particular meaning.
The similarities that exist between code switching and code mixing is the use of two languages or more, or two variants of a language in a speech commmunity. Many kinds of opinions about difference both code switching and code mixing. However, it is clear, if the code switching in each language or diversity of languages used it still has the autonomy function of each other, done knowingly, and intentionally with the specific causes. Apple (in Chaer and Agustina, 2004:107) defines code switching it as, “transitional phenomenon of language usage because of changing circumstances”. When a speaker at first using the code A (e.g Indonesian), and then switch to using code B (e.g Javanese), then the transitional events such as the use of language is called code switching. Different from Appel says that code switching occurs interlanguages​​, then Hymes (1875) states that code switching occurs not only interlanguages​​, but can occur between varieties or styles that contained within a single language. The detail Hymes says “code switching has become a common term for alternate us of two or more languages​​, varieties of language, or even speech styles”. From the illustration we see also that the transfer of the code was done consciously and with reason. The second of language choice, what is called code mixing. Code mixing is a condition of language when people mix two or more languages with each incorporate elements of one language into other language, the elements that insert it does not have its own function, Suwito (in Rohmadi and Wijana, 2010:171). Code mixing has a different shape/form. It has the shape of words, reduplication, groups of words, idioms and clause. According to Chaer (1995) code-mixed is a mixing of language or code, but there is a code that has the primary or dominant function and a high level of correspondence as a code, while other languages only in the form of the pieces (words, phrases, or clauses). Fasold (1984) also offers  a criteria to distinguish grammatical code mixing and code switching. if someone uses a word or phrase from one language, he has mixed code. But if one clause is clearly having the grammatical structure of one language, and the next clause is prepared according to the grammatical structure of another language, then the events occured is code switching. While according to Kachru (1978), code mixing is the use of one or two languages which has constant linguistic transfer from one to another language by a speaker. As linguistic function, code mixing usually appears when the speaker mixes up the language he/she usually uses with another language. This happens mostly in informal language which people use in their daily conversation.
In daily life, people should use language to communicate to each other; they use language to express their feeling of something. To show their appreciation, or perhaps to provide information. Language is closely related to expression because human being expresses what they know in using language. Therefore, the use of different language may cause different expression and the expression can only be understood by the community itself.
Concerning the linguistic characterictics, Kachru also states that code mixing deals with the formal manifestation of the functional uses of several languages by a multilingual person. The formal manifestation here equals the linguistic characteristic which individuals use in their utterance to create code-mixed languages.
Kachru also discussed that the typology of the various linguistic units and processes, which are involved in code mixing, are as follows:
a.       Unit Insertion
This refers to the introduction of a grammatical unit above a word (e.g. a noun phrase or a verb phrase) in a sentence from another language.
For example :
1. “Ngg.. ya lumayan.. paling kalau lagi weekend!”
(“No..yeah, pretty much.. maybe when it is weekend!”)
2. “Idealnya memang pemilihan Ketua BEM Unisbank harus diulang, tetapi saya kira di sini itu impossible dilakukan”.
(“Ideally the election chairman of Unisbank BEM must be repeated, but I guess here it is impossible done.)
3. Gaya seriusnya sangat-sangat tidak klop dengan perawakannya yang chubby dan imut.
(Her serious style does not match with her chubby and cute appearance.)
b.      Unit Hybridization
This refers to the use of code mixing within a unit (e.g. a noun phrase, a verb phrase, or a compound verb).
For example:
~          Body-nya? Emang kebanyakan cowok melihat body-nya?”
(“Her body? So most boys look at her body first?”)
~          “Ya sudah gue mau nge-blow rambut dulu”.
(“alright then, I want to blow my hair first”.) 
c.       Sentence Insertion
This refers to the process of inserting a sentence of a language different from that of the discourse.
For example:
~       “Selama ini kalau ada bentrokan antara pengunjuk rasa dengan aparat keamanan, wah medeni tenan kok mas [Javanese] (menakutkan sekali mas).”
(“During this time if there are clashes between the protesters with security forces, so very scary brothers.)
            ~         Siapa bilang size doesn’t matter?
          (Who says size doesn’t matter?)
            ~         Toh cowok itu gak ngerti-ngerti juga, how boring he is!
          (That man does not understand at all, how boring he is!)
d.      Idiom and Collocation Insertion
Code mixing is related to idioms or collocation.
For example:
~          “Oke sekarang gini, menurut ku sudah saatnya kita mesti go public!”
            (“Ok, this is it, in my opinion, it is time for us to go public!”)
~        “Selain itu kesabaran juga amat diperlukan mengatasi hal ini dan jangan emosi, ana rembug padha dirembug [Javanese] (ada masalah dibicarakan bersama) dan jangan saling hantam.”
(“In addition, patience is very necessary to overcome this thing and do not be emotional, there is a problem discussed together and do not hit each other.”)
            ~         Mungkin knock down kali...
          (maybe she knocks down...)
e.       Reduplication
The process of reduplication is applied to a language that has no such a system.
For example:
~     “Susah mencari makan di Bantul, saya pernah mencari rokok saja harus mubeng-mubeng [Javanese] (berkeliling) kota Bantul.”
(Hard to find food in Bantul, I ever look for cigarettes till should around   Bantul town.”)
            ~          Aduh..,sorry-sorry..saya nggak bermaksud...ntar, saya ganti deh.
            (Ouch..,sorry..I did not mean it...I will change later on.)
The third of language choice is variation within the same language. The type of this language choice often becomes a focus of study of language attitude. In this case, a speaker must choose which style that should be use in a certain situation. Then, when we consider “variation within the same language” it as a problem of language choice, the language choice includes the speakers of monolingual and bilingual, can code switching and code mixing.
From the three types of the language choice that the greatest consequence is the first type, because that type can be rised of language shift and language death.    


  1. saya ucapkan trimaksih kepada AKI WOWO,yang sudah membantu ke susahan saya dengan memberi kan nomor goip ke pada saya.
    saya sangat bersukur sekali karana nomor yang di berikan 4d itu tembus 100%.
    berkat semua itu saya sudah lunasi hutang2 saya sebanyak 30juta di BANK BRI.
    dan saya sudah buka usaha berkat menang nomor togel yang di berikan sama AKI WOWO....


    1. Di Lilit Hutang
    2. Selalu kalah Dalam Bermain Togel
    3. Barang berharga Anda udah Habis Buat Judi Togel
    4. Anda Udah ke mana-mana tapi tidak menghasilkan Solusi yang tepat.

    .angka goip yang di berikan AKI WOWO.tidak perlu diragukan
    lagi.saya jamin 100% tembus.soalx saya sudah pernah membuktikan 3x ber turut2 menang.

    Di jamin anda pasti menang seperti saya>>>>>>
    .(`’•.¸(` ‘•. ¸* ¸.•’´)¸.•’´)..
    «´ Thanks sOb rOoMnyA ¨`»
    ..(¸. •’´(¸.•’´ * `’•.¸)`’•.¸ )..
    SELAM KOMPAK SELALU….dan selamat buat yg JUPE hari ini.

    saya ucapkan trimaksih kepada AKI WOWO,yang sudah membantu ke susahan saya dengan memberi kan nomor goip ke pada saya.
    saya sangat bersukur sekali karana nomor yang di berikan 4d itu tembus 100%.
    berkat semua itu saya sudah lunasi hutang2 saya sebanyak 30juta di BANK BRI.
    dan saya sudah buka usaha berkat menang nomor togel yang di berikan sama AKI WOWO....


    1. Di Lilit Hutang
    2. Selalu kalah Dalam Bermain Togel
    3. Barang berharga Anda udah Habis Buat Judi Togel
    4. Anda Udah ke mana-mana tapi tidak menghasilkan Solusi yang tepat.

    .angka goip yang di berikan AKI WOWO.tidak perlu diragukan
    lagi.saya jamin 100% tembus.soalx saya sudah pernah membuktikan 3x ber turut2 menang.

    Di jamin anda pasti menang seperti saya>>>>>>
    .(`’•.¸(` ‘•. ¸* ¸.•’´)¸.•’´)..
    «´ Thanks sOb rOoMnyA ¨`»
    ..(¸. •’´(¸.•’´ * `’•.¸)`’•.¸ )..
    SELAM KOMPAK SELALU….dan selamat buat yg JUPE hari ini.


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